Friday, July 9, 2010

Who we are..

Finding who we are, at the root of all things is all that is important. When it is your time to die, what are you going to say on your death bed? Ill tell you, when faced with certain death you will say the truth, and whatever your truth; is your life. Knowing this, going into tomorrow will we brave through the hard times with passion and vigor to find our truth. I know I will. I hope you will too.

Life is

I don't pretend to know what life is for everyone, but I do know what life is to me. Life is an incredible journey that will lead you down treacherous paths, and to amazing heights, with infinite possibilities, life is loving and losing someone you care about more deeply than you thought you could, and learning that you could love that much. Life is the beginning to an end, it is a trip where we must constantly ask ourselves whether what we are doing is right or wrong, and being so confused about it you just don't know which way is up. Life is being young and making mistakes, and growing old and learning what wisdom truly is. Life is thinking you know what will happen and how it will feel, then come to find its nothing like you expected. Life is not knowing who you are, and learning what you aren't, then finding out you were yourself from the very start. Life is wanting more than you have, and finding out that you should only want what you have, because what you have is more valuable than anything else. Life is holding onto the moments that are unforgettable, and life is trying to forget the not-so-greats moments too, that we must remember. Life is a journey we must all take together, not separated by the social stigmas that we have created. Life has amazing magic in it, and the only way to find that magic is to find love. And the only way to find love, is to live your life to the fullest. Take risks, be afraid, but more than that find out how good it feels to learn from all of this.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Slow start

So I have founded my idea and more ideas continue to flow in and out of me everyday. I am looking for supporters and motivated individuals! Start writing out your ideas, saving links, getting your ideas and mind out there.

im gonna spend the next few weeks posting up links to website that are important. Now is the time to conserve more than ever. We are being of constant use, USING AND USING UP EVERYTHING! Evolve will be trying to send this message of Realizing by Reflection. Look at yourself and SEE how you can change your carbon footprint! every breath is important =)

this should give you some stuff to read and research! post up all your ideas

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Evolve movement

Im glad you have found this page. I am Justin, I am an activist, and I have an Idea. An idea that I hope will change the world by helping us better understand each other. We are living in an age where we are content with pointless wars, starvation, poverty and animosity... and we are going to change that. I hope to inspire, motivate and open your eyes to todays world. I hope that in return we can all begin the process of fixing the wrongs in todays societies. I am here to express myself truly, i want to share my hope for peace and happiness. When you see that we are all one, youll truly understand what it means to Evolve. Please subscribe and stay tuned because you wont want to miss this.